Health Services

Hello from Nurse Casserly! 

Please do not hesitate to contact me.  I can be reached by telephone, email or via a dedicated fax line. I am also  generally available in the Health Office fifteen minutes before the start of school and thirty minutes after dismissal (8:30am - 3:30pm). 

Jessica Casserly MS, BSN, RN
Phone: 781-455-0416 x 55379
Fax: 833-296-7391
[email protected] 

Required medical forms are available in the health office or may be downloaded from the District's Health Services Forms and Policies.

For answers to our commonly asked questions, please refer to our FAQS.

For up to date information please visit my Newman Health Office Newsletter 

Summer 2024

I look forward to returning to school this fall! 

If your student has a physical exam over summer please upload it to the student health portal or email it to  our summer staff.   

If your student will require medication during the school day please  review the required paperwork and return here in August to find a link for a sign up for medication drop off.   

Please review the Illness Guidelines  so that you are familiar with district protocols for the upcoming school year. 

Nurse Casserly

SNAP Student Health Portal  

All students at Newman Elementary School 
have been  invited.  Please look for an email with the subject, "Needham Public School Welcomes you to the SNAP Health Portal".  If you do not have it in your inbox it might be in your SPAM or JUNK mail.  This will include your initial password. You can change this under settings once you are logged in. 

Once logged in, pease be sure to check that all contacts and health alerts are accurate and up to date. 
You can easily upload health forms, immunizations,  update health alerts or  inform me of any health concerns.  

No urgent issues will ever be communicated through the portal.  A phone call will always occur for urgent issues. 

FAQs can be found here 

Please contact me with any questions
Nurse Casserly 

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