We are thrilled to have you and your child join the Newman family! The Newman School experience will be filled with a variety of opportunities for you and your child to meet new people, learn new things, and be of service to our school and greater community.
At Newman School we believe that elementary school is a time for students to play, explore, and connect with one another. Through learning experiences during the school day, students will practice their social and emotional skills, learn literacy and math concepts, investigate and inquire through science, and learn how to be of service to the community. Most importantly, we hope they learn to LOVE learning!
Through play, exploration, and social times, students will practice their academic skills while also learning how they contribute to a greater classroom and school community. While academics are certainly important, we believe that developing students’ ability to cooperate, identify their feelings and the feelings of others, practice strategies for managing their emotions, and learning how to play and problem solve are fundamental to future school success.
Finally, we want to welcome you as a member of the Newman community. Whether this is your first child or your last, we hope you will engage with us in supporting your child’s time while at Newman. It is only through strong family partnerships that we are truly able to support all students! Our doors are always open--please feel free to call us at 781-455-0416 with any questions.
Your Proud Principal,
Jessica Peterson

Elementary School
1155 Central Avenue
Needham, MA 02492
Jessica Peterson, Principal
Caren Firger, Assistant Principal
Dr. Aron Blidner, Sp.Ed. Coord.
Susan Eyler, Senior Admin. Assistant
Telephone: 781-455-0416
School Hours
Grades K thru 5
8:45 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.
Early Release
8:45 a.m. - 12:40 p.m.
Doors open @ 8:30 a.m.